How to make cones using recycled materials

Here is a little visual story on how to make henna cones using "garbage" you might find around your house. 

Oops, I ate all the Gummy Tummies Penguins. Must. Hide. Evidence.

Oops, I ate all the Gummy Tummies Penguins. Must. Hide. Evidence.

Turn bag over and carefully pull it apart at any seams.

Turn bag over and carefully pull it apart at any seams.

Look at your materials for the largest usable areas.

Look at your materials for the largest usable areas.

Trim off the unusable parts. You can roll a cone using either triangles or rectangles. I got two triangles and a rectangle out of this bag.

Trim off the unusable parts. You can roll a cone using either triangles or rectangles. I got two triangles and a rectangle out of this bag.

Start rolling. If you need instructions, check out this video. 

Start rolling. If you need instructions, check out this video

Voila! Fill your cones with henna. Gummy Tummies Penguins? What Gummy Tummies Penguins?

Voila! Fill your cones with henna. Gummy Tummies Penguins? What Gummy Tummies Penguins?

A variety of packages: chips, chocolate, candy, seaweed....

A variety of packages: chips, chocolate, candy, seaweed....